It often seems that the happiest people are the ones who live in anticipation. Those who live in the past are disappointed by the present. They prefer the good old days. But those who foresee a better future and work toward it have purpose and joy. The apostle Paul tells us about the future that “we eagerly await” in his letter to the Philippians. This week, Associate Pastor Carolyn Hansen’s sermon is titled “What Are You Waiting For?” with Philippians 3:17-21 as the text.
Please join us in person or watch our service any time at lpcchapala.org. Masking and social distancing protocols continue to apply during our service. If you need transportation to and from church on Sunday, please call 376-106-0853 during our weekly office hours, 8:30 to 4:30 Tuesday through Friday and we will arrange a ride for you.
You have family at Lakeside!