The Rock

How firm is your faith? Is it rock solid or is it sometimes spongy? There is a man in the Bible whose faith was so strong that Jesus called him “The Rock.”  The new name, Cephas, comes from Aramaic, meaning “rock” or “stone.” This was the language of Jews in Jesus’ day. In the Greek, the meaning is the same.  The man is called Cephas 9 times in the New Testament, and 156 times he is called Peter. On Sunday morning, at our English language service, we’ll look at the man called Simon Peter.

Sisters Who Loved the Same Lord

Among Jesus’ closest friends—other than the twelve disciples—was a small family of adult siblings: Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. If you have brothers and sisters, you know they can challenge you more than anyone else in the world. Yet they can inspire love, loyalty, and (sometimes) spiritual growth, as well. This Sunday, at our 9:30 a.m. English-language service, Associate Pastor Carolyn Hansen’s sermon is Martha and Mary: Sisters Who Loved the Same Lord. We can learn from both of these sisters, as they learned from each other.

Anna the Prophet

In our continuing series on the men and women of the Bible, on this fourth Sunday of Advent, Associate Pastor Carolyn Hansen will look at Anna—a prophet and one of the very first witnesses to the Messiah Jesus after the shepherds of Bethlehem. St. Luke gives us her impressive biography. We can feel her impact to this day.

Join us on Sunday, December 19, at 9:30 a.m.!

Our sermon series on Bible characters continues this week on Joshua. An important word in the book of Matthew is “fulfilled.” The word can be a prophecy fulfilled, or it can be a parallel within God’s work through history. In the Old testament Joshua is known as a “type” of Christ–that is, things in Jesus’ life parallel with Joshua. For example, both the name Joshua and the name Jesus mean “the Lord saves.” Joshua place 12 stones by the River Jordan to represent the 12 tribes of Israel; Jesus appointed 12 disciples to also represent those 12 tribes. This Sunday will we will look at how Jesus perfectly fulfilled the life of Joshua. Please join us on Sunday at 9:30 a.m.!

Mary, mother of Jesus

In our sermon series on Bible characters, we are continuing to explore the women found in Matthew’s genealogy of Jesus. This week–the second Sunday in Advent–Associate Pastor Carolyn Hansen will discuss “Mary, Mother of Jesus.” Mary is, of course, the most famous of all women in the Bible—even better known than Eve, the mother of all humanity. She has much to teach us about how to live.

Join us at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday for our English-language service. (The Spanish service begins at 11 a.m.)

The Man Who Walked with God

“The Man Who Walked with God” is the topic of Dr. Wayne Cook’s sermon on Sunday.

1 Kings 2:2 talks about, “the way of all flesh,” meaning we will all die some day. In the Bible there are only two exceptions to this: Elijah, who was taken up in a whirlwind to a fiery chariot, and Enoch, who was simply taken by God. Before he was taken Enoch walked with God.

While it is unlikely that any of us will not face death, there are some important lessons to be learned from the man who walked with God.

Join us on the First Sunday of Advent, November 28, at 9:30 a.m.

The Life of Bathsheba

Bathsheba is a mysterious figure, an almost blank slate whose actions are not always explained in the biblical record. The interpretations we have of her may say more about the men who wrote those interpretations than about Bathsheba herself. In this Sunday’s sermon, Pastor Carolyn Hansen will discuss “The Life of Bathsheba,” wife of David, mother of Solomon, and ancestor of Jesus—and what she can teach us today. Join us at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday!

A Man After God’s Own Heart

Continuing our sermon series on Bible characters, Pastor Wayne will preach on David this Sunday. David was perhaps the greatest of all the kings of Israel. He built up a large Kingdom; his desire was to follow the Lord. Even after he faltered, he eventually returned to the Lord with a broken spirit. There are great lessons for us in observing his spiritual journey.

We hope to see you Sunday morning!