It’s Fishin Time in the Mountains

LPCChapala Volunteers- in-Action

“It’s Fishin time here in the mountains of Mexico.”

It Typically Takes 42 Encounters to Lead a Person to Christ, Keep Fishin

For Lakeside Presbyterian Church, Chapala, this was an unexpected call from the pulpit.  Our feisty guest speaker at the pulpit was Dwayne Bartley, a Canadian pastor.  Dwayne stated, “Over the past 30 years, 70% of Christian churches across Europe and North America have seen their membership plateau or decline. What do we do about it?” His arms waved in his distinctive colored shirt. “Dr Chuck Kelly, president of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, gave the answer to this question.  It is to teach people to proclaim the Gospel, every believer is a witness, every believer has his or her own story.  Learn to tell it.  Don’t sweat the big stuff that’s the task of the Holy Spirit.  It takes about 42 Christian witnesses to make one convert. A daunting task, until You realize that you could be that 42nd Christian and YOU and that YOU may have a big fish in the net.”

Matthew 4:19 Jesus said, “Follow Me, I will Make you Fishers of Men.”

With many amusing stories, Dwayne gave lessons from his life, and how he had learnt the concept of following an instructor to acquire the skills of driving farm equipment while growing up on a Canadian farm.

Its Fishin Time in the Mountains


On the 17th and 19th, April between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Dwayne will lead our Spanish Speaking Mexican Congregation through a course on Evangelism to help prepare them to go out to the villages that surround us here at Lakeside Presbyterian Church, Chapala, Jalisco, Mexico.

Concluding his sermon, he walked to the front of the stage and pointed at the sanctuary exist doors. “As you pass through those doors today, imagine the sign over the doorway saying, You Are Now Entering Your Mission Field.”  Are you prepared to witness to your neighbour, to the store clerk, to a friend or family member?  You never know when God will give YOU the opportunity to Go Fishin.

Please follow our website over the next few weeks leading up to Pentecost.   Our Social Media will be highlighting some of the many outreach activities that our Volunteer-In-Action service teams are involved with.  You will see our Volunteers-In-Action, feeding the poor, providing clean drinking water were there was none, and providing clothing to the homeless.  This is all taking place now, here in the Mexican villages that surround us.

For more information about our church or to volunteer, for one of the many, available, positions that support our community, and our several service programs that reach out to the local village populations, please contact the church office/administrator 376-106-0853.

Welcome to Lakeside Presbyterian Church, Chapala

Volunteers in action

As a first-time visitor attending Lakeside Presbyterian Church, Chapala’s 10 am Sunday morning service, will first see the welcoming smile of the Greeters at the top of the wheelchair ramp. The wheelchair friendly ramp leads to the front door where the Greeters stand.  These Greeters are just two of the Volunteers-In-Action team that support Lakeside Presbyterian Church, Chapala.

They say, “Welcome to Lakeside Presbyterian Church, Chapala, Jalisco, Mexico, please let us give you a bulletin covering the details of today’s service.  If this is this your first visit with us? Would you please register at the visitor’s table once you are in the foyer through these doors.  Once there you will receive our gift to you for attending today’s service.  Do you have any questions that we can help you with?”

Followed by answers to questions, handshaking and or hugs, and with big smiles, all around the door is held open for you to enter.

Sue and Doug Lockyer ducked into the shade of the doorway on a hot Sunday morning in Chapala,  for this photograph to be taken.  This was their week to work as Volunteer Greeters,  they are part of our Volunteer’s-In-Action program.  Their job today is to stand out in the sun, with hats on welcoming members, guests and visitors to the 10 a.m. Sunday morning service at Lakeside Presbyterian Church, Chapala.  They offer a smile, a handshake or a hug, along with the bulletin showing the order of today’s service.  The bulletin also identifies the key events taking place during the following week.

We hope that you enjoy the service and listening to a meaningful word of God.

Please follow our website over the next few weeks leading up to Pentecost.   Our Social Media will be highlighting some of the many outreach activities that our Volunteer-In-Action service teams are involved with.  You will see our Volunteers-In-Action, feeding the poor, providing clean drinking water were there was none, and clothing the homeless, here in the Mexican villages that surround us.

For more information about our church or to volunteer, for one of the many, available, positions that support our church, and our several service programs that reach out to the local village populations, please contact the church office/administrator 376-106-0853, or review our website:

Easter Sunday Brunch 2018. Prepared By Volunteers On Saturday Morning


Volunteers In Action

By Malcolm Callister

Sunday 1st of April 2018 will be Easter Sunday, and also the day that the clocks spring forward.  Easter Sunday is a day Lakeside Presbyterian Church, Chapala #LPCCapala, says thanks to God because His son Is Risen.  “He Is Risen,” and to mark our belief in this fact we celebrate with Christians around the world. To help celebrate here at Lakeside Presbyterian Church, Chapala, we invite church members, attendees, family, friends, visitors and strangers to join us for our 10 a.m. service followed by the celebration of Easter Sunday brunch in the courtyard after the service.

All food gets washed

Volunteer Service group leaders, Debbie Reynolds and Jai Cartwright, got together with a group half a dozen of helpers on Saturday morning to prepare food for the Lakeside Presbyterian Church Chapala #LPCCapala, Easter Sunday brunch.  A lot of laughter and fun was had by all.

Jai has the food delivery organized.

Being clearly useless in the kitchen, I was sent out to purchase a few extra items that were required.  If I had not been there, I would not have had the privilege and fun of going shopping for the last items that Jai needed to create her masterpiece meal for tomorrow.

Bill in Training








No matter what skills we have there is work for all,  Church members or not.  We can all spend a little of our time volunteering, all you have to do is step out and make the first move, God can take over from there.

Fun is the Keyword, and these ladies were enjoying themselves shelling eggs and cutting vegetables.



For more information about our church or to volunteer, for one of the many, available, positions that support our church, and our several service programs that reach out to the local village populations, please contact the church office/administrator 376-106-0853, or continue to review our website:

Volunteers Help Build A Community On Irish Stew

On the second Sunday of every month at 11:30 a.m. you will find a group of Mexica and Gringo volunteers in the Courtyard of Lakeside Presbyterian Church, Chapala, (#LPCCapala), serving lunch.



The Line of people waiting to be served grew around the courtyard

The volunteers are organized by Debbie Reynolds into three crews; setup crew, the serving crew, and the takedown crew. These helpers are some of the Lakeside Presbyterian Church, Chapala, Volunteers In Action, #LPCCVIA. The servers all #Volunteers have smiles on their faces, the fun has already started as they chat among themselves. They stand on the far side of the food table behind their allocated serving dishes. Serving spoon in hand, they stand like a parade of soldiers. The tables in front of them are full of serving dishes of hot or cold food. This food has been prepared in the church kitchen and is wheeled to the serving table on in four-wheeled trollies as it is needed.

Volunteers Serve the Congregation

Volunteering to prepare and serve Sunday Brunch to your own congregation may not seem like mission work, but to this handful of people at Lakeside Presbyterian Church this hour or so each month, donated to assist with the building of a strong Christian Community, is their ministry. A robust Christian community can reach out to the Mission field that surrounds Lakeside Presbyterian Church in Riberas, Chapala, and from there they can touch the rest of the world. It is the ripple in the pond effect.
This Sunday is the lasts Sunday before Saint Patrick’s Day, the main course is Irish stew prepared by the kitchen staff and organized by Jai Cartwright, (a topic for another day). The people from the three regular morning services, two in Spanish and one in English are eagerly waiting to be allowed into the courtyard. Just before the doors open allowing the dinners in, Debbie Reynolds with a concerned look on her face which replacing her normally calm happy expression wanders about checking that tablecloths, chairs, and cutlery are in place, the tables all decked out like a Bistro. With a last-minute friendly chat with some of the other volunteers, Debbie takes her place in the line of servers, serving spoon in hand.
The volunteers serve about 150 members of the congregation with a free meal once a month, donations are optional. Today was only Debbie’s second as organizer of this monthly gift to the members and visitors. It was a success; after the last of the dinners had left and Debbie’s cleanup crew of volunteers at work; the smile was back on Debbie’s face.
It had been an opportunity to serve and to eat an excellent meal, to socialize in the elegant courtyard setting of Lakeside Presbyterian Church, with friends and new acquaintances from the other services.
Christ said in Matthew 25:40 “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for the one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”
For more information on how you could volunteer a few hours your time each month, please contact the Church Office Administrator 376-106-0853.
By Malcolm Callister

Founders Day 2017

At the Sunday morning service, on February 5, Cheryl Davis made some moving remarks about the founding of Lakeside Presbyterian Church. Here is what she said:

As today is the closest Sunday to February 2, it is only fitting that today we remember the founding of Lakeside Presbyterian Church just eight short years ago.  I say “short” because of the number of miracles that God has performed in these few years.  In early February, 2009, the Lord called Pat and Ralph Courtney and Ron and Judy Stard and Norm and Jane Pifer and a few friends to gather on the Courtney’s patio for Sunday worship.  Through their faith, vision and openness to God’s guidance, Ray and Angie DeLange, missionaries from Rey de Reyes Church in Guadalajara, were sent to us. Then God opened the Founders’ hearts to the Mexican community and the Lord brought us Victoria and Arturo Smith and the Guillermo Banuet.

The Founders took us to that small space in a storefront on the Carretera and as more people were brought to the Lord, He brought Ross and Carolyn to lead us.  But we outgrew that space because the Lord brought us more like-minded Christians. We had Christmas programs and Independence Day Celebrations with standing room only and we even had to rent a golf shooting range for Easter sunrise services!

So, here we stand this morning, just a few “short” years later in a beautiful place where we can accomplish even more in our community with God’s help.

The Founders started with a clear purpose that they were led and empowered by the Holy Spirit to glorify God and to share his love with others.  They have handed on that responsibility to each of us.

Today is my privilege to announce that the space we currently call fellowship hall will now be known as Founders Hall.  It is dedicated to:  Pat and Ralph Courtney, Dona Dean, Karen and Jerry McCracken, Lorna and Tom Morris, Jane and Norm Pifer, Ann and Jim Scott, and Judy and Ron Stard.

The large paintings of Christ Knocking at the Door, Christ the Good Shepherd and Christ Praying at Gethsemane were painted by local Mexican artist, Isidro Xilonzochitl of Jocotepec. These paintings were commissioned by Petee and Dick Gerlach, early supporters of the fledgling congregation.  The smaller painting of the Risen Christ was commissioned by Karen McCracken in memory of her husband Jerry.

Now, when you pass that room or share a meal or meet with others of our Lakeside family, think about the Holy Spirit who brought you here.  And when you say your prayers tonight and count your blessings, add those thirteen true Christians to your list. Ask God to bless them.  Ask Him to open our hearts and minds to His will as He did to their hearts eight “short” years ago. With His guidance, anything can be accomplished.  Amen

Free lecture series on A History of Western Thought

It’s been a while since our last lecture series–so we’re excited that Pastor Ross is beginning a new series on Friday, August 12, at 11 AM. The topic is A History of Western Thought: Why We Think the Way We Do. 

Here’s how Pastor Ross describes the series:

Everyone has a worldview –- the way they see the world and what is meaningful in it, including how they fit into reality. And almost everyone today tends to think their worldview is the right, natural, and appropriate way of looking at things; perhaps even that their particular worldview it is the only rational way to look at the world. 

But what most people, especially in the Western world, don’t realize is that most of what we think and believe –- most of what we take for granted as universal truth –- was actually made up by someone at some time in the past.

This series will look at the major themes in Western thought, where they came from, and how we need to critically understand them to have the most accurate view possible of reality.

August 12 — Faith (Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas)

August 19 — Reason (Descartes, Locke, Hume)

August 26 — Experience (Kant, Schleiermacher)

September 2 — Process (Hegel, Marx, Darwin, Whitehead)

September 9 — NO LECTURE

September 16 — Will (Machiavelli, James, Nietzche)

September 23 — Meaning & Meaninglessness (Wittgenstein, Logical Positivism, Deconstructionism)

September 30 — Where do we go from here?

All lectures will be held in the church. If any dates change, we’ll notify you here.

UPDATE: If you miss any lectures, you can watch them on video here.

Video of our Grand Opening celebration

If you missed our Grand Opening and the Dedication Worship Service on January 31, you’re in luck. The whole thing was captured on video! Even if you were there, you’ll want to see the beginning and end for aerial views of the church–it’s quite impressive. Plus, you can see many of the more than 450 people who attended. Enjoy!


Thank you for making our church Grand Opening a success!

Our new church building is now complete–and we showed it off to the community on Sunday, January 31. More than 400 people attended the event! We ate and laughed and enjoyed seeing the miracle God has accomplished here.

It was a full house at the Grand Opening Dedication Worship Service.

It was a full house at the Dedication Worship Service.

Pastor Guillermo Banuet led the Spanish-language portion of our Grand Opening Dedication service.

Pastor Guillermo Banuet led the Spanish-language portion of our Dedication service.

Pastor Ross Arnold gave the English-language sermon at our Dedication Service.

Pastor Ross Arnold gave the English-language sermon at our Dedication Service.

Our children's choir was VERY enthusiastic.

Our children’s choir was VERY enthusiastic.

Food was donated for the event from 19 local restaurants.

We had food donated from 19 different local restaurants!

The church provided food, too.

The church provided food, too.

We laughed with the clown.

We laughed with the clown.

This enormous cake was made of more than 250 cupcakes! It was beautiful--and tasty,

This enormous cake was made of more than 250 cupcakes! It was beautiful–and tasty,

Thanksgiving dinner with our church family

We celebrate Thanksgiving every year with a turkey feast at our church. We pick a date between Canadian Thanksgiving and U.S. Thanksgiving. This year it was October 28. What a wonderful time we had in our new building! We had so many RSVPs we filled almost the whole building with tables. Thank you to all the workers who pulled it all together!

We have witnessed many miracles this year. God has been incredibly gracious to us. We are very thankful today.

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