Thank you, Chapala Sunrise Rotary Club!

We want to give a big shout-out to the Chapala Sunrise Rotary Club! For the past two months they have given Lakeside Presbyterian Church several VERY generous donations to help supply despensas to families who needed extra help during the economic shutdown. Typically, the church gives out about 40 despensas per month. Between May 10 and July 10, we were able to distribute about 335 more—besides our usual 40! That’s more than 4X in addition per month!

We appreciate the donations, of course, but the Chapala Sunrise Rotary also did a wonderful job helping us to identify many people in need. While the economy has opened up and many of these families are now back at work, some continue to need our help. On Saturday, the church session voted to continue help an extra 102 families for the next two months, now using church funds. We will continue to evaluate the needs of these families.

We are blessed!

The question we’re often asked is: How much does a despensa cost? It’s a very reasonable $210 pesos. We are always comparing our despensas with the ones given by other organizations. We want to be sure we’re getting the best value. If you hear about a despensa that’s only $100 pesos, it probably doesn’t offer the quantity of food we do. We also provide shelf-stable staples, not fruits and vegetables. As you know, fruits and vegetables are quite inexpensive in our area.

Church update – more good news!

Helping our neighbors.

This week Martin Thorner, our Ministry Outreach Director, and his team delivered 42 despensas to needy families in Chapala, San Juan Tecomatlán, San Antonio Tlayacapan, Riberas del Pilar, San Juan Cosalá, and the CREADD and Mezcala Drug Centers. Again this week, the cost of the despensas over and above our regular deliveries were underwritten by the Chapala Sunrise Rotary Club.

Plus, this week the despensas for families also included children’s clothing!

Just this week, while delivering depensas, Martin found a family with four young children living in a makeshift tent in the mountains. They had been kicked out of the room they’d been living in because they have no money. They had a little furniture, but no walls or roof, no potable water, no kitchen, no bathroom . . . and rainy season is just starting.

Martin discovered a small apartment in Chapala that rents for only $1,200 pesos per month. The church is paying their rent for the next few months to get them through the rainy season. (We have designated gifts that cover this kind of outreach.) They are so grateful and happy for their new place!

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in . . . ” Matthew 25:35

REMINDER: Tomorrow is Communion Sunday.

Please join us for a Zoom Communion meeting tomorrow. We will gather at 9:30 a.m. and start the service around 9:40 a.m. Just click on the following link when you’re ready to join. (And don’t forget to bring your own elements of bread and wine or juice to be consecrated.)

We’re looking forward to seeing you there! May God bless you today.

We need your input.

You may have already heard that the Jalisco government has begun lifting restrictions on churches. While we may legally open our church for worship, we must still make some significant preparations, so we’re not ready yet. And we also have to consider carefully whether this is the right time to reopen, if we’re going to keep our congregation healthy and well. In this situation, we must be “wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”

We want your opinion! We have created another very brief survey for you. It should take you five minutes or less to complete. You can find it here: 

In case it helps you to answer our questions, we want you to know that when we reopen, we will put in place several key processes – either required by the government or by common sense. These will very likely include:

  • Limited numbers, i.e., <50 people per service
  • Requiring masks for everyone
  • Sanitizing mats for feet
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Temperature check
  • No hugs. No handshakes
  • No handouts (bulletins, prayer request cards)
  • No nametags
  • No choir
  • Offering basket at exit(s)
  • No communion (or a changed process)
  • Shortened service
  • No coffee hour
  • We will register everyone entering a meeting, recording their name, contact information, and where they are sitting.
  • The English congregation will meet at 10 a.m. in the sanctuary. The Spanish service will meet at noon, possibly in the courtyard, depending on weather.

Thank you so much for responding to our survey. God bless you and may he keep you well during this extraordinary titme! We are praying for you.