Jane Pifer shares a video devotional about joy! You can watch it here.
Tom Emmerson has been talking about poverty in our devotionals. Today, Carolyn Hansen offers a video devotional about the issue of wealth. You can watch it here.

In the month of August, we weren’t able to meet together as a church, but we continued to help in our community, thanks to your donations! Here’s a brief report:
• La Zapotera Community Center closed when the shutdown due to COVID-19 began. While the center has not reopened, volunteers are preparing breakfast to go for around 60 children three days per week. Lakeside Presbyterian is funding this project.
• Our church is also planning a new school breakfast program in a nearby village called La Cuesta. We’ll let you know more soon.
• So far this year we have delivered 908 despensas – half of them funded by Chapala Sunrise Rotary and half paid for by Lakeside Presbyterian.
• We have been delivering children’s clothing along with the despensas where needed. (We need more children’s clothes if you have any to donate!)
• 200 hot meals were delivered last month to the drug centers in Chapala and Mezcala.
THANK YOU for all you do to support the ministry outreach efforts of Lakeside Presbyterian Church!
Belva’s devotional for today is from 2 Timothy 1:7. Please watch it here.
Tom Emmerson is continuing his devotional series on poverty. You can watch it here!
Why was there a need for the Reformation? That’s Dr. Wayne Cook’s devotional for today. You can watch it here.
We have a new devotional available from Carla! You can watch it here.
Our video devotional today comes from Lynn Hanson — and it’s all about angels! You can watch it here.
Our video devotional today is from Tom Emmerson. He is beginning a series of devotionals on poverty issues the church should address. This first video is about spiritual and intellectual poverty. Watch it here.
Our Ministry Outreach at Lakeside Presbyterian is working hard to help some of the poorest members of our community. With the continuing help of the Rotary Club of Chapala Sunrise, Gustavo (our new Ministry Outreach Coordinator) delivered 44 despensas just last week! Before the COVID-19 crisis we were delivering about that many despensas each month.

Last week’s deliveries went to neighborhoods like San Juan Tecomatlán, Tepehua Barrio, Plaza de Toros in Chapala, and Santa Cruz de la Soledad. You can see from our photo that we were even able to include some clothing for the children.
We also learned about two families with disabled adults who need adult diapers — and we will supply that need, as well. It can cost as much as $500 pesos a month for adult diapers for one person. The church can order them in bulk and perhaps reduce the cost.
Thank you for supporting Lakeside Presbyterian during these uncertain times so that we can continue to show Jesus’ love to our neighbors!