Our video devotional today is from Carolyn Hansen. She says that one important way to increase self-discipline is to pay attention. It can make a big difference in your spiritual life! You can watch our video here.
This is the third in a series of video devotionals from Carla, taken from the writings of Henri Nouwen. Please watch it here.

Our graduate school, Lakeside Institute of Theology, is offering a class on Church History, beginning Monday, October 19 at 11 a.m. We’ll be offering this via Zoom. If you’re interested, please let Carolyn Hansen know at carolynjhansen@gmail.com and she will send you the Zoom link.
Everyone has a to-do list. In today’s video devotional Lidia talks about what should be on our to-be list. You can watch it here.
Dr. Wayne Cook leads our devotional today, discussing great preachers–beginning with Jesus and the apostle Paul.
Tom Emmerson continues his excellent series in today’s devotional on physical poverty and poverty of support networks. Please watch it here.
Carla brings our devotional today on the third movement of the Spirit: from illusion to prayer. Please watch it here.
Jesus said, “You will always have the poor among you.” Does that mean we don’t have to try to eradicate poverty? Or even help a poor person? Today’s video devotional addresses that issue. You can watch it here.
Ernest Gabbard brings our video devotional today. You can watch it here.
Wayne’s video devotional today is about forgiveness. You can watch it here.