All of us have been concerned about how our neighbors are surviving the economic impact of closing businesses during the past several weeks. You should know that Lakeside Presbyterian Church has stepped up our feeding ministry in response to this need.
Even though our doors have closed, our kitchen has been open! With just two people, they have cooked hundreds of meals for local people — including for the families of the kids in our literacy program and for the men and women in two local drug rehab centers.
Plus, with financial help of the Chapala Sunrise Rotary Club, we have more than tripled the number of despensas we normally provide. In the past, we have given out about 60 despensas each month. In the past four weeks that number has gone above 200! The support the Club has given helped us to deliver 155 new despensas in communities from San Antonio Tlayacapan to Santa Cruz de la Soledad and beyond. Praise God!

Chapala Sunrise Rotary Club
Some of the money the Club donated came from Clubs in the U.S. — so Lakeside Presbyterian Church is part of an international effort.
Please continue to pray for the health and safety of Martin our Ministry Outreach Director, for Ricardo our driver who makes the deliveries, for our cooks, and for the volunteers who package the despensas.